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Save the date: Working outside of Berlin

Monday, May 16th from 5-7 pm

The next Monthly Meet-Up of touring artists will take place on 16.05 in the Mediathek of the International Theatre Institute.

The Monthly Meet-Up is a series of events for transnational artists who are new to Berlin and looking for support with administrative issues and networking in the local and international scene.

The Monthly Meet-Up on 16.05 from 17-19:00 deals with the topic "Working outside of Berlin". Berlin is undoubtedly Germany's vibrant cultural metropolis. But it can be difficult to establish yourself as an artist here - no wonder, given the large, often confusing cultural offerings. With this workshop, we would like to give artists who are new to Berlin (and to Germany) the opportunity to look beyond Berlin. What kind of work opportunities are there in other cities or in rural regions? How can I get in touch with cultural actors there? How do I find cooperation partners? And what do I have to consider when it comes to funding? Three guests from the fields of visual arts, music and performing arts will share their impressions and tips.

The event will be held in the media library of the International Theater Institute. If you are interested in attending, please send a brief email to info@touring-artists.info.