3rd Dialogue of PARTNERS IN OR OFF THE SHIP on July 10th.
22. Mai, 26. Juni & 10. Juli 2024 (Online)
The next Monthly Meet-Up will take place on July, 1st from 18-20h at ACUD MACHT NEU.
We hope and wish that you arrived safely and peacefully in the new year. Unfortunately, this is no longer a routine wish..
DIE VIELEN from Mariannenplatz are inviting to a FLASH MOB on 5 June at 5 pm.
The next edition of the LESERAUM with Raphaela Bardutzky will take place on June 5 from 16:00-17:30 CEST via Zoom.
The next Monthly Meet-Up will take place on May 27 from 6-8 p.m. at ACUD MACHT NEU.
Panel Discussion in the Media Library for Dance and Theatre on May 26th, 2024 at 1pm.
A workshop with Franz Wille will take place on Saturday, May 18, 12:00 to 13:30 CEST via Zoom.
The message for International Dance Day 2024 comes from ballet dancer Marianela Núñez from Argentina.
The next edition of LESERAUM with Emre Akal will take place on 8 May from 16:00-17:30 CET via Zoom.
The next edition of the LESERAUM with Magdalena Schrefel will take place on April, 3rd from 4-5:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) lobt auch in 2024 den Theaterpreis des Bundes aus - zur Stärkung und Förderung der…
touring artists' next Monthly Meet-Up will take place on April, 29th from 6-8pm at ACUD MACHT NEU.
The translators participating in the 25th International Workshop "Translating Theater" have been selected.
On Saturday, 08.07., between the performances of Ultimate Safari (Flinn Works & Asedeva), the ITI Prize 2023 will be awarded to Flinn Works.
On November 11, 2023 from 14:00 to 18:00 we will organize a 2nd industry meeting at the Deutsches Theater Berlin.
The next edition of LESERAUM with Alexandra Pâzgu will take place on December 6th, from 16:00-17:30 CET/MET via Zoom.
The next edition of LESERAUM with Annalena und Konstantin Küspert will take place on November 8th, from 16:00-17:30 CET/MET via Zoom.
As part of the second edition of the translators meeting on 11/11/2023 at the Deutsches Theater, we are looking for current theater texts that make…
Gemeinsam mit den Preisträger:innen sowie zahlreichen weiteren Akteur:innen und Expert:innen werden Potentiale und Herausforderungen kooperativer…
Register now for the symposium accompanying the Federal Theater Prize 2023 on Oct. 11, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Haus der Berliner…
The winners of the 2023 Federal Theater Award have been announced and will be honored on Oct. 11, 2023.
Register now: Ecologies of Care in performing arts, on 20.10.23 in Łódź, Poland
On 20th and 21st September 2023, touring artists is organising a symposium on Brexit and its consequences for the cultural sector in Hamburg.
After Hamburg 2017, Düsseldorf 2021 and Offenbach-Frankfurt 2023, the festival is now coming to Chemnitz — and will be returning to Saxony once more…
The symposium #dialograumtheater and the award ceremony of the Theaterpreis des Bundes 2021 took place on 08.07.2021 in the presence of the Minister…
Save the Date! Public Kick-Off of the DFG funded project on Ovotber 7th 2021
The Round Table Berlin Theater Archives invites you to an online event on the topic "Theater collection mission and collection Strategy in german…
The Workshop "tanz digital - Technologies, methods, artistic strategies"! takes place from January 14-17th, 2022.
On December 3 and 4, 2021, the Kick Off weekend of the ITI Academy will take place at Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin.
The International Theatre Institute again invites translators:inside of German-language drama to a workshop in the period from May 20 - 29, 2022.
Die Mitgliedschaft des ITI hat die neuen Beisitzer:innen des Vorstands für die Wahlperiode 2023-2025 gewählt.
As Theater der Welt’s initiator and founder, the ITI is represented at Theater der Welt 2023 (29 June to 16 July 2023) in a number of formats.
ITI stands for the consolidation of peace, understanding and friendship between peoples. In a letter jointly initiated by Israel and Germany via the…
Zum 01.09.2023 sucht die Geschäftsstelle des ITI eine:n Mitarbeiter:in (d/w/m) im Bereich Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit / Redaktion.
The next editions of LESERAUM will take place on 28.6 from 16.00 - 17.30 CET via Zoom.
11 April 2022, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The workshop 'tanz digital: technologies, methods, artistic strategies' begins with a public kick-off on April 11,…
14 April 2022, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The digital workshop by Touring Artists on withholding tax and VAT for digital events takes places on April 14, 2022.
Monday, March 21st from 5-6:30 pm
The next Monthly Meet-Up of Touring Artists is the 2nd part of a series of workshops that will deal with different…
The new platform was presented at an online event on 03/03/2022.
The General Secretariat of the ITI has published a statement on the situation in Ukraine.
Wednesday, March 23rd from 4-5:30pm
With DIALOGRAUM, the team of theateruebersetzen.de offers an online exchange format once a month for all…
Based on a selection decision made by the members of ITI Germany theatre director Monika Gintersdorfer receives the ITI Germany Prize 2022.
For many countries in Europe, World Theater Day 2022, which celebrates the theater arts and their unifying power, is marked by the war in Ukraine.
Die Austellung zum Theaterpreis des Bundes „Dialog und Auseinandersetzung, Umgestaltung und Stärkung – Theaterarbeit jenseits der Metropolen“ eröffnet…
„StayOnStage - Support in the Performing Arts” lists work and performance opportunities for Performing Arts professionals in exile.
Ab sofort sind Bewerbungen um die Ausrichtung von THEATER DER WELT 2026 möglich.
From now until the 10th of June it is possible to apply for the one-year programme of the ITI Academy.
Wednesday, May 11th from 4 pm - 5:30 pm CEST
The third DIALOGRAUM will take place on Wednesday 11 May from 16:00 to 17:30 CEST via Zoom.
The 29th of April 2022 marks the 40th anniversary of the International Dance Day. This year's message comes from Kang Sue-jin, dancer and artistic…
Monday, May 16th from 5-7 pm
The next Monthly Meet-Up of touring artists will take place on 16.05 in the Mediathek of the International Theatre…
The annual membership fee for students is 30 € as of now.
The international workshop "Translating Theatre" opened this week in Mülheim an der Ruhr.
Zum 01.08.2022 sucht die Geschäftsstelle des ITI eine:n Praktikant:in (m/w/d) für die ITI Academy.
Freitag, 10. Juni + Samstag, 11. Juni 2022, jeweils 15-18 Uhr MESZ
Im Fokus der Reihe WERKRAUM steht die Vertiefung einzelner Fragen aus der Praxis…
Until the 30th of June, visitors can see the VR installations Be thou still with me and SHIROKAGE in the Media Library for Dance and Theater.
Mittwoch, den 08. Juni von 16.00 bis 17.30 Uhr MESZ
Der vierte DIALOGRAUM findet am Mittwoch, den 08. Juni von 16.00 bis 17.30 Uhr MESZ über Zoom…
Applications are now open for the Autumn Residency of STUDIO2, the ITI's work & research space.
Ab Juli 2022 startet neben DIALOG- und WERKRAUM noch ein Leseformat für interessierte Übersetzer:innen und Theatermacher:innen.
Materia in Łódź and the STUDIO2 in Berlin each offer an artistic research residency. A joint conference will conclude the programme.
Bis zum 19. Juni können sich Theater in der Bundesrepublik auf den Preis bewerben.
The ITI office is looking for an intern to support the workshop tanz:digital from January 05, 2023.
The next Monthly Meet-Up will be held on May 22 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm at ACUD MACHT NEU
This year's message for World Dance Day, which is celebrated worldwide on 29 April, comes from Chinese dancer and choreographer Yang Liping.
Die ART TRANSPARENT Foundation, PRO PROGRESSIONE and the Women's History Museum Zambia are looking for eight artists, scholars and practitioners to…
The next WERKRAUM, "Contemporary German Drama - Themes and Trends," will be held on Tuesday, May 23, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. CEST free of charge via Zoom.
Für alle Interessierten bietet der Fonds Darstellende Künste zwei digitale Info-Veranstaltungen zum Open Call an.
The International Theatre Institute (ITI Center Germany) is working together with an editorial team of translators and authors on the development and…
As part of the STUDIO2 x tanz:digital residency, digital artist Sooyoung Park will have a public showing at the end of her residency period.
The research residency as part of the tanz:digital programme, which will take place at STUDIO2 in May, goes to Sooyoung Park.
The make-up date for the Dialogue Room Theater + Chinese is on 10.5. from 16.00 - 17.30 CET.
04 November 2022, 7.00 p.m., STUDIO2
The artistic research residency will culminate in a showing at STUDIO2 on Friday, 4 November.
With the Open Call of the Residency exchange programme Moving Identities, six European residency institutions are looking for companies of established…
The ITI Office is looking for an intern (m/f/d) for the ITI Academy as of May 01, 2023.
Based on a selection decision made by the members of ITI Flinn Works the International Theatre Institute Prize of the German Centre 2023.
This years World Theatre Day Message author is the egyptian actor Samiha Ayoub. World Theatre Day is celebrated annualy on the 27th of March.
The next editions of LESERAUM will take place on 01.02, 01.03 and 5.04 from 16.00 - 17.30 CET via Zoom.
The next three editions of DIALOGRAUM will take place on 08.02, 09.03 and 12.04 from 16.00 - 17.30 CET via Zoom.
The participants of the 24th International Workshop "Translating Theater" have been selected.
Application deadline: 30 November 2022
The workshop tanz:digital - Process, Dynamics, Discourse invites to an exchange of experiences on the artistic…
The Residenztheater Munich and the International Theatre Institute are looking for a (junior) translator:in for drama from English, French and…
The 3-year residency programme Moving Identities offers residencies in six European countries to a total of 72 artists.
The recording of the opening of the workshop tanz:digital - Process, Dynamics, Discourse is now available.
touring artists' MONTHLY MEET-UP meets GOETHE-INSTITUT IM EXIL on February, 20th in ACUD MACHT NEU.
From 16 to 22 May 2023, STUDIO2 will be hosting its artistic research residency STUDIO2 x tanz:digital.
The next MEET-UP will take place on March, 20th in ACUD MACHT NEU.
On 11/30/2022 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, the next Werkraum will be held through Zoom.
The next MONTHLY MEET-UP will be held on Tuesday, October 22, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.
The next LESERAUM will take place on 7.12 from 16.00 - 17.30 CET via Zoom.
The next MONTHLY MEET-UP will be held on Monday, December 5th, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.
The next WERKRAUM will be held online on January 20 and 21, 2023, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. CET.
The ITI invites translators of German-language drama to Mülheim.
The next MONTHLY MEET-UP will be held on Monday, January 23rd, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.
05 February 2023, 4.00 p.m., online
The start of the workshop tanz:digtial - Process, Dynamics, Discourse is open to the public.
On Saturday, 25 June, the award ceremony of the ITI Germany Prize took place at FFT Düsseldorf.
Freelance choreographer Laura Sophie Faiß begins her two-week autumn residency at STUDIO2 on 23 October.
Der Ersatztermin für den am 05. Oktober ausgefallenen LESERAUM steht: 02. November!
Monday, October 24th from 5pm in the Media Library of the International Theatre Institute
7. September 2022, 16.00 -17.30 Uhr MEZ/MESZ
Der nächste LESERAUM findet in September statt.
German ITI Centre 2020 Award
25. September 2022, 10.00 -17.00 Uhr MEZ/MESZ
Im Rahmen des Projekts theateruebersetzen.de soll im September der BRANCHENTREFF THEATER ÜBERSETZEN am…
25. September 2022, 10.00 -17.00 Uhr MEZ/MESZ
Im Rahmen des Projekts theateruebersetzen.de soll im September der BRANCHENTREFF THEATER ÜBERSETZEN am…
03. - 31. August 2022
Von April bis Juli tourte das aufklappbare Box-Format durch elf der zuletzt ausgezeichneten Theater, nun kommt es nach Berlin.
July 30, 2022, 12:00 - 14:00 CET/CEST
Elena Rose Light, will offer a public workshop on Saturday as the culmination of the residency.
Sunday, July 17, marks the start of STUDIO2's summer residency with the very first residency artist: Elena Rose Light.
The mv:dk blog on the DFG project "Digitally networking performing arts media libraries" has now been published.
On May 7 and 8, the ITI Annual Meeting will be held under the title "Performing Arts & Equity."
Due to the current situation, the Kick Off of the ITI Academy will now take place as a purely digital event.
On December 19th the virtual symposium "Moving Margins. Dance archives in practice through distance and abscence" will take place.
You can visit the exhibition WELTRAUM at the ITI office in Kunstquartier Bethanien (Berlin) until February 28, 2022.
The next Monthly Meet-Up of Touring Artists will be the starting point for a series of workshops in 2022 that will address different aspects of…
The ITI Journal features national and international authors from academia and artistic practice who report on the performing arts in a transnational…
STUDIO2 has a new website and on top of that also a new residency programme.
In 2022, STUDIO2, the work and research space of the ITI Germany in the centre of Berlin, will offer for the first time a residency programme for…
The participants of the 23rd International Workshop "Translating Theatre" have been selected.
The next meeting of touring artists will be held on Feb. 21, 2022 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.
The new information portal of the German Centre of ITI will be launched on March 3 from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
Am 22. Februar ist der Pantomime Eberhard Kube im Alter von 85 Jahren verstorben.
Theater directors and cultural workers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland show solidarity with the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Kraków and its…
The Festival Theater der Welt 2023 is looking for a responsible person for the administration of third-party funds and a person for marketing / public…
»Theater der Welt 2023« is curated by Chiaki Soma and Kyoko Iwaki of Arts Commons Tokyo.
Online-Interview with Milena Gehrt, Moutaz Abdulrahman, Valia Katsi and Nada Abdel Wahab
Every day, the panels of the Atelier will be livestreamed on youtube as well as iti-germany.de and thefestivalacademy.eu.
The public thematic annual conference of the ITI, which had to be cancelled last year due to the pandemic, took place on the web.
ZOUKAK Theatre Company reiceives Donation from German ITI Centre
What remains when a festival is over? The Media Library for Dance and Theatre is openagain and with it the exhibition WELTRAUM with its DIGITAL…
The jury selected 11 theaters out of 76 applications to win the award.
Das Programm zum Symposium #dialograumtheater ist online.
31 Einzelporträts kleiner und mittlerer Theater jenseits der Metropolenräume. Die 31 Theater, die 2015, 2017 und 2019 mit dem Theaterpreis des Bundes…