Since 2014, the ITI Centre Germany has continually developed the project focus area “immaterial heritage in the performing arts”, which centres on documentation and knowledge networking. On the one hand, our aim is to strengthen cultural policy and network with partners from academic research, memorial institutions and the artists; on the other hand, expertise in the area of digitalisation and the digital preservation of analogue objects is further developed as well as driving forward the cooperative expansion of knowledge spaces in the performing arts.
The ITI Centre Germany supports artists, theatre institutions and festivals in digitalising their analogue materials.
Together with partners from across the sectors of art, academic research and theatre and dance practice, we develop local and national digitalisation projects for better access to knowledge in the arts. Some examples are:
Digitalisation project on the founding phase 1978 to 1990
Meyerhold’s Biomechanics for Theatre
Collation and digitalisation of the long-term project on the reconstruction and application of the theatrical method
Non-verbal Theatre in East Berlin 1961-1991
Cooperative project between the Deutsches Theater Berlin and the ITI Centre Germany
We have also designed and developed knowledge platforms derived from diverse sources from across theatre and dance history knowledge together with partners from memorial institutions, from departments of theatre and dance studies, and training centres.