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Project Overview

Encourage remarkable theater work


  • Alle Preisträger:innen 2023

    © Dorothea Tuch

  • Theaterhaus Jena

    © Dorothea Tuch

  • Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien Claudia Roth, MdB

    © Dorothea Tuch

Federal Theatre Prize 2024
Save The Date: 02 October 2024


The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) is once again awarding the Federal Theatre Prize in 2024 - to strengthen and promote the diverse theatre landscape in the Federal Republic of Germany. The prize honours medium-sized and smaller theatre structures, especially those outside the major theatre cities, and their remarkable work across Germany in recent years.

The theatre prize is awarded for an outstanding programme that is characterised by convincing aesthetic and artistic development in contemporary issues of (urban) society, multi-perspective audiences, ecological and social awareness and/or technological and digital innovations. The specific structural, financial and, where applicable, socio-spatial situation is also taken into account when awarding the prize. The Federal Theatre Prize is endowed with prize money totalling 500,000 euros. A main prize is awarded as well as one award each in the categories of municipal and regional theatres, private theatres and guest theatres as well as independent production houses. The award ceremony will take place on 2 October 2024 at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele.


Jury 2024

The overall jury will decide on the award of the main prize across all categories. For the individual prizes in the categories, the jury is composed as follows:


  • Categorie City theatre and Landesbühnen

    Categorie City theatre and Landesbühnen

    Tessa Hart
    Shirin Sojitrawalla
    Christina Zintl


  • Category Private Theatres and Guest Theatres

    Category Private Theatres and Guest Theatres

    Stephan Czuratis
    Michael Lang
    Ayla Yeginer


  • Category Independent Production Houses

    Category Independent Production Houses

    Bettina Masuch
    Anta Helena Recke
    Mey Seifan


Symposium 2024

A symposium entitled "Pleasures & Politics of Autonomy - Theater between Resistance and Responsibility" will take place on 02.10.2024 at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele. Further information and Save The Date registration here.


The Federal Theatre Prize is awarded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. The project sponsor is the Fonds Darstellende Künste in cooperation with the Zentrum Bundesrepublik Deutschland des Internationalen Theaterinstituts e.V. (ITI).


Retrospective, publication & exhibition

Monika Grütters, State Minister for Culture from 2013 to 2021, awarded the Federal Theatre Prize for the first time in 2015, since then it has been realised every two years in cooperation with the ITI – German Centre. A total of 42 theatres were honoured in 2015, 20172019 and 2021. Artistic and cultural-political issues that especially concern the work of municipal, state and touring theatres, as well as independent venues in smaller and medium-sized cities, are discussed as part of a symposium held to accompany the award ceremony. 

In 2020, in cooperation with Theater der Zeit, a publication was released that pays tribute to the work of the previous award-winning theatres, while at the same time highlighting the challenges they face on a daily basis. 

In the spring and summer of 2022, the traveling exhibition "Dialogue and Confrontation, Transformation and Strengthening - theatre work beyond the metropolitan cities" toured in nine of the eleven award-winning theatres from 2021. Further information can be found here.