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A project of the International Theatre Institut (ITI)

ITI Project

A projekt of the International Theatre Institut (ITI)


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Workshop "tanz digital"

The Workshop "tanz digital - Technologies, methods, artistic strategies"! takes place from January 14-17th, 2022.

The workshop tanz digital - Technologies, Methods, Artistic Strategies invites to exchange experiences, knowledge and skills on artistic application areas of digital technologies.


January 14-17, 2022

On four consecutive days, choreographers, dancers, media artists and scientists will present their artistic and scientific strategies for the digital space and their personal approach to digital technologies. We will feature contributions on virtual and augmented reality, motion capture, and gaming, among others.

There will also be a debate on the extent to which digital tools, technologies and spaces take on a political function or discuss political realities. In the internal hands-on part of the workshop, professional dance practitioners will discuss the application parameters of the technologies from an aesthetic, technological and administrative perspective.

We are looking forward to contributions from, among others, Björn Lengers (CyberRäuber), Marina Dessau, Yui Kawaguchi and others on January 14. at 6 pm, who will discuss questions of the digital presence of dance in the digital opening slot of the workshop. The subsequent professional workshop will take place internally.

On 17.6. from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. there will be an international workshop together with Touring Artists, titled "Withholding taxation and VAT for digital events - an introduction for producers and organisers given by Sebastian Hoffmann.


Information about the program tanz digital
The tanz digital project is the starting point for long-term work on the media presentation of dance in Germany. It focuses on testing and developing the content of media-based dance productions. In cooperation with dance-producing institutions, dance actors, documentation centers and dance memory institutions, Tanz digital also aims to act as a repository of knowledge and enabler in the application practice of digital technologies. The workshop tanz digital - Technologies, Methods, Artistic Strategies is a cooperation of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, the International Theatre Institute Germany and the program Touring Artists.

Call for participation (Deadline December 16th, 2021)
Are you a professional in the field of dance and interested in the application of digital technologies in dance, in dance production and rehearsal processes? DO you want to try out new documentation technologies? Would you like to exchange ideas with other artists and scientists on the application of digital technologies and aesthetics in dance practice?

Dance artists can apply with a short letter of motivation and a short CV (together no more than 1.500 characters). The application period ends on 01.12.2021. We can offer all non-Berliners a travel allowance.

For application as well as in case of any questions please contact Lea Terhaag at assistenz-archiv@iti-germany.de.

Tanz digital is part of the NEUSTART KULTUR program of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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