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A project of the International Theatre Institut (ITI)

ITI Project

A projekt of the International Theatre Institut (ITI)


All News Workshop

Kick-off of the 23rd "Translating Theatre" Workshop

The international workshop "Translating Theatre" opened this week in Mülheim an der Ruhr.

This year's international workshop "Translating Theatre" opened on 19 May in Mülheim an der Ruhr. The invited translators from Armenia, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and the Czech Republic will work for 10 days on the plays nominated for the 47th Mülheimer Theatertage. This year's guest in the workshop is the Czech author Radka Denemarková for a focus on her writing and theatre practice - on 23.05 she will read from her works in the vier.zentrale in Mülheim. You can find more information about the workshop here.

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