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ITI annual Conference 2021 "Hybridity and Equality?"

The public thematic annual conference of the ITI, which had to be cancelled last year due to the pandemic, took place on the web.

Ibrahim Ghareib: Sketch
Ibrahim Ghareib: Sketch

We are pleased that with the Berlin-based Egyptian artist and scientist Nora Amin, we were able to find a curator who will pose the question "Hybridity and Equality?" to us from a diverse perspective with spoken contributions and artistic interventions by colleagues from different countries.

The relationship between hybridity (technological as well as cultural) and equality (as a demand for equality) raises questions: How can the dynamics of the "new normal" support the necessary change in power relations in the performing arts? How can transnational collaborations in a postcolonial era enable the dissolution of hierarchies and the overcoming of borders? How does one create equality, participation and commonality in times of isolation?

With contributions by Johannes Ebert and Stefan Winkler (Goethe Institut), the author Pasquale Virginie Rotter, the curator Martine Dennewald, the performers Anis Hamdoun, Lola Pilnik and Elena Schmidt as well as the music composer and singer Wael Samy Elkholy.

At this link, the annual conference can be called up via Youtube from Saturday 19 June.

Programme information here