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Project Overview

A project of the International Theatre Institut (ITI)

ITI Project

A projekt of the International Theatre Institut (ITI)


All News Event

Monthly Meet-Up: Musicians, festivals, funding, locations - meet the music scene

Our next Monthly Meet-Up is the perfect opportunity for musicians, festival organizers, and music industry professionals to come together. The event is designed to foster an inclusive and collaborative environment that encourages knowledge sharing and networking.

You can register here.

For the second time we are cooperating with the programme GOETHE-INSTITUT IM EXIL. In many countries Goethe-Instituts and other cultural institutes had to be closed due to war or censorship. Goethe-Institutes in Exile aims to create a new space where artists can meet, exchange and discuss. As part of this cooperation, we are also moving our MONTHLY MEET-UP to ACUD MACHT NEU.

Our guests:

Lisa Benjes (field notes)

Yeşim Duman (PopKultur)

Korhan Erel (musician)

Mario Michel (Ausland Berlin)

Passende Meldungen